“You’re on your own kid, you always have been”- Taylor Swift
We would like to convey our deepest gratitude for the incredible opportunity to serve as the head girl and the vice head girl for the year 2024. We are truly honored by the trust that the principal and teachers have placed in us. We wholeheartedly promise to dedicate ourselves to becoming the best versions of ourselves, working tirelessly for the betterment of our school and society.
To our classmates and our juniors , we hope that you put in every effort to improve and develop every aspect of yourself. Don’t let the opinions of others dictate how you should live your life. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own happiness and success.
This year is yours to make it the best ever, and we have no doubt that we will accomplish great things together.
Let’s carry on the proud tradition of Loreto Convent by showcasing our true potential and being the best versions of ourselves! Long live Loreto!

Show yourself as you are and be what you show yourself" - Mary Ward
It is indeed an honour and privilege to be appointed as the head girl and vice head girl of Loreto Convent, Darjeeling. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Principal, teachers and students for giving us this opportunity to serve the school. We hope that as office bearers, we may live up to the high ideals of purity, duty and truth.
As we welcome the new academic year of 2023 with open arms, we hope that it will open doors of new opportunities for us. We hope to see our girls come forward and showcase their talents and skills. It would make us most proud to see our girls step out of their comfort zone, and try to participate in new fields of activities . To our contemporaries and juniors, we would like to remind them to be kind to themselves and others and face challenges and hardships with courage. Nothing is impossible. All it takes is one small step in right direction.
Loreto is our legacy. Let us wear it with pride. Here's to the legacy of Loreto and many more years of excellence to come!

What a wonderful journey it has been as a part of the Loreto family!
Our girls have risen to every occasion and brought home many laurels, both in academic and curricular fields.
And therefore, it is with great pride that we convey this message to the student council of Loreto Convent School,
This year, as we commemorate 175 years of establishment of our home of education, which is an incredibly momentous occasion,
we would like to tell our junior faculty and contemporaries that no matter what barriers stand in your way, no matter what
anybody tells you, always believe in yourself. Your words and ideas can and will change the world. Have faith in your
integrity, stand for what you believe is right and never be afraid to think differently. For many of us, this is our
last year at school but we will always carry the rest on our hearts and withhold the pride of being LCites. We are
extremely grateful to have shared this journey with you!
As we forge ahead, welcoming year after the other, embracing our school teachers, friends, family and grasping numerous
opportunities, we wish good luck to all our 'Girls in Grey'!
Here's to the legacy of Loreto and many more years of excellence to come!


'To command is to serve, nothing more or nothing less.'~ Andre Malraux.
We would like to thank the Principal, teachers and students who have given
us this honour, privilege and opportunity by reposing their faith and trust
in us. We the office bearers for the academic year 2021 hope that we will
be able to discharge our duties faithfully, righteously and sincerely. We
shall give our best to maintain the high standards of the school and be
role models for the fellow students.
This year we are celebrating 175 years of Loreto Darjeeling. This is a very
special year for us to remember, cherish and continue the great tradition
that our foundress 'Mary Ward' and former Loretoites have passed down to
us. The situation at present is totally unpredictable but we still hope to
have celebrations and functions to remember and celebrate the legacy that
we have inherited. This is what makes us true Loreto girls and gives us a
sense of identity.
May this year bring new goals and achievements, prosperity and good health,
new opportunities and adventures. We pray that our school achieves great
milestones and flourishes more than ever.